The story revolves around Tomoya Mizuhara, a 13-year-old boy who suddenly gains a big sister when his father remarries. 17-year-old Ichika is a little strange, and her affection for Tomoya is rather overwhelming, if not scary. On top of things, Ichika's friend Ruri is the ultimate sadist. Then there is Ichika's big-breasted quarter-Japanese friend Marina.
Subs: BluRayDesuYo (DameDesuYo)
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FYI, I've updated my [BluRay List]( for Spring 2017. I'll probably picked up every DameDesuYo show this Season including their fifth pick they haven't announced yet.
This is why I picked up the anime. [This](, [this]( and [this]( I laughed so damn hard. Btw those screenshots are from episode 3.
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